

We went in search of the NEOWISE comet. on the first day that the sky was clear enough the location we went to did not have a good enough view of the Northwest sky so I ended up doing some light trail and a star trail shots of the northern sky.


The next clear day I went to look on Google Earth for some open fields in the area with clear views of the northern sky. It turned out that the road that I was interested in was blocked off and belonged to a large farm but I did have access to one of their fields from a side road that gave a good view to the north. I set up along their fence line and took some pictures of the thunderclouds as the sun set.

Around ten pm it was finally dark enough that I thought I should be able to see the comet but nothing was visible and I was afraid it was low enough on the horizon that it was covered up by the clouds. so I put my camera on the tripod and pointed it in the general direction the comet should be in, below the Big Dipper.

A four second exposure at f2.8 and ISO 1000 made everything visible and at the top of frame I saw a streak on the camera display. when I zoomed in I realized it was the tail of the comet. So I centered the comet in the frame and changed to a longer lens, 70-200 and then 150-600. now I was able to get a closer shot of the comet.


I actually find this picture to be less interesting than the one above because it doesn't really show much. Maybe if I had a star tracker I could have done a longer exposure and got more of the tail to show in the shot.

While I was watching the comet I saw some thunderstorm clouds lighting up on the horizon which also made for an interesting photo.


Overall it was a fun experience that turned out some wonderful photographs.